Navigating NDIS | myAutnomy

Navigating the NDIS – Plan Management Edition

Navigating the NDIS

A little over two weeks ago, there was an announcement from the NDIS Minister in relation to some pricing updates for providers. On the surface, it was definitive and aligned with his recent speech regarding quality of spend for participants, but in retrospect, it highlights the complexity of the landscape and the various services NDIS participants require, to meet their goals.

Key Takeaways from our perspective


given the broad and diverse range of stakeholders, there will never be enough consultation in the sector. Whether it’s providers, registered or otherwise, supports, participants, or industry bodies, associations and groups, the opportunity for comprehensive consultation and understanding of potential changes, revisions or updates is paramount.


in the truest sense of the word, collaboration across the sector, not just on what could or should be changed, revised or updated, but HOW, is critical, in ensuring voices are heard AND reasonable and necessary steps can be taken to ensure the effective roll-out of changes in the space.


taking inspiration from leaders across both the private and public sector alike, affecting change requires consistent, and some would argue, repetitive communication, to achieve the desired outcome. To achieve the long-lasting reform we all desire, we must have a message that is clear and easy to understand, with reference points that can be shared. That message must come from the most senior of representatives down to the frontline both internally and externally.

Working together

By no means are we pointing fingers or casting blame regarding changes in this space. We understand the complexity not just in pricing and policy reform, but in the practical application of these updates on a daily basis. We know and appreciate that this is an ever-evolving environment and our goal is to work with the NDIS, Supports, Providers, Industry bodies, associations and groups to better serve the needs of participants today and going forward.

Next Steps

myAutonomy will continue to work with Providers and Support Coordinators to ensure continuity of services and will keep you informed of any changes or rule clarifications as they come to light. We will continue to consult with our stakeholders and work collaboratively to inform of how we can navigate the NDIS, together.

Have any questions?

We’re here to help. Feel free to contact us via phone or email on 1300 60 33 89 or [email protected]