Understanding the NDIS Price Guide: What you need to know

At the start of every financial year, the NDIA releases its latest NDIS Price Guide, or Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits. 

The guide can be tricky to understand, so we’ve created a short explainer to help you decipher the important details. 

You can also discover more on the NDIS website

What is the Price Guide? 

The Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits set out prices that apply to supports for participants in the NDIS.

The guide is updated regularly to respond to market trends and other factors.

Discovering supports in the Price Guide 

There are hundreds of different supports listed within the guide. So, understanding how the NDIS categorises these supports is enormously useful. 

The three categories are: 

  1. Support purpose: all supports are found within three support purposes: 
  • Core – typically basic everyday requirements for those who experience disability 
  • Capital – these supports tend to be of higher value, one-off purchases for a specific need 
  • Capacity Building – help participants build independence
  • Support categories
    Participants receive funding for different categories within their NDIS plan. Core supports tend to be the most flexible while Capital and Capacity Building are the most specific.
  • Line item
    It’s also important to be conscious of line items. All services delivered within the NDIS have a line item attached –– this informs the NDIS which support category is relevant for a support. There are 800+ line items, so it’s useful to be specific. Support coordinators can help with this. 

Understanding price limits 

The maximum prices service providers can charge for particular supports is the key aspect of the price guide. 

Some key things to know about price limits: 

  • Prices vary depending on a participant’s location.
  • The amounts listed include GST. 
  • Some categories –– including Assistance with Daily Life –– have varying price limits depending on the time and day that the support is provided or the intensity. The variations are set out within the guide. 
  • Some categories do not have specific price limits. 

NDIS Plan Management Price Guide

Do keep in mind, the NDIS does provide funding for a registered third party to help you manage your plan. 

Having your plan managed can ensure all of the ongoing plan administration is taken care of, allowing you to focus on achieving your goals. 

The best part is: it doesn’t come at the expense of your other supports.

We’re here to help

If you’re unsure how the NDIS price guide may affect you, we’re only a phone call away. 

Get in touch with us today. Email us at info@myautonomy.com.au or call us on 1300 60 33 89.