How to know if your NDIS funding is working for you
NDIS Funding
Getting NDIS funding in Australia can be a critical step toward getting the supports you need, accessing necessary technology and services, and ultimately, improving your quality of life.
But what if your NDIS funding isn’t working as well for you as it should? Perhaps you’re not able to use your funding as flexibly as you’d like, or you’re struggling to meet your NDIS goals. If that’s the case, it might be time to consider options for change.
Here are a few ways to know whether you’re getting the most out of your funding.
You’re meeting goals
NDIS plans are set based on your personal goals. One way to ensure your funding is working for you is to assess whether you’re meeting at least some of your goals while working towards others.
If your goals feel too big, too far away, or unreasonable, then perhaps your funding isn’t allowing you access to the supports you need.
These are a few questions to keep in mind:
- Do my goals feel reasonable?
- Do I feel as though I have the means to meet my goals?
- Am I able to access the support I need in line with my goals?
If your answer to any of the above is ‘no’, then it might be time for a change.
You feel supported
Having access to NDIS funds is one thing, but feeling supported in the process is another.
Experiencing disability can be challenging, emotional, and it can affect your quality of life. That’s why it’s essential that you feel supported through the entire process of receiving NDIS funding and managing that funding day to day.
Consider the following questions:
- Do you have a plan manager who is personable and contactable?
- Does your support worker have your best interests at heart?
- Are there changes you’d like to make to ensure you feel better supported?
You can use your funds flexibly
Being able to flexibly use your NDIS funding is an essential part of receiving supports. No one person is the same. In the same way, when it comes to funding, there’s no such thing as one-size-fits-all.
To ensure you can meet your goals, it’s important that you can use your funding flexibility in the ways that suit you best.
At myAutonomy we’re focused on helping our participants to thrive. That’s why we allow participants to use funding flexibly to best meet their goals. Take participant Kylie, for example, whose funding wasn’t working for her. After switching to myAutonomy she finally found the supports she needed.
“My experience completely turned around. The NDIS funds started working for me and the results have been incredible,” she said.
What if my NDIS funding isn’t working for me?
If you don’t feel as though you’re getting the most of your funds, then it might be time for a change.
If you’re unhappy with your NDIS plan, you can contact the NDIA, via phone or email, to request a review of a decision.
Or, if you don’t feel as though your plan manager is supporting you in the best way possible, changing plan managers is simpler than you might think.
Get in touch with us today for a confidential chat. Our friendly team is here to help on 1300 60 33 89 or at [email protected]