Having relevant and dedicated support can be critical for thriving on an NDIS plan. A provider that offers personalised services may mean that you, or your participant, can make significantly better progress towards your…
myAutonomy is thrilled to sponsor the Footscray Rangers All Abilities team! We believe everyone should have the opportunity to connect with and participate in the community. Access to sports is a wonderful way to…
When looking for NDIS providers, it’s essential to know what to look out for and understand what questions to ask. This helps ensure you’ll find the right providers for you – ones that suit…
At myAutonomy, we enjoy highlighting providers that are making a difference in the community––especially those that truly care about their clients. Pacific Supports & Mentoring offers support workers to participants to help them with…
As an NDIS participant, it’s important to use your funding in ways that support you in reaching your goals. To make the most of your NDIS funding, it’s essential to understand the different funding…