Category: NDIS

Assistive Technology | Australia

Claiming for Consumables and Assistive Technology

Assistive Technology in Australia: What has changed? Over the last few months, the NDIS has increased the requirements for Consumables and Assistive Technology in Australia (AT) purchases made with the help of a plan manager. The NDIS now requires further…
Victoria Sick Leave Pay | myAutonomy

Sick pay for casual workers in Victoria

Victoria: Sick Leave Pay for Casual Workers Being a casual worker offers many benefits. Flexibility, the option to take time off when you need to, and the ability to work around caring for a family or while studying. When it…
Assistive Technology Policy | myAutonomy

Assistive Technology policy changes explained

Assistive Technology policy changes explained We know that the changes to NDIS policy affect many of our participants and their supports. We’ve looked into the new changes so that we can help you get the most out of your NDIS…
NDIS Plan Management | Australia

What to expect from your first NDIS plan

What to expect from your first NDIS plan management in Australia Experiencing disability can be disempowering. With the right support, funding, and goals, it doesn’t have to be. In Australia, the NDIS provides funding to allow individuals to receive support…
Budget Planning | myAutonomy

Quarantining Funds

Budget Planning: Quarantining Funds in Australia We know that many participants develop a budget with their Support Coordinator or Recovery Coach. After all, it’s important to consider what supports and items may be needed for the duration of the plan.…
Adaptive Clothing | Australia

Adaptive fashion – something for every body

Adaptive Clothing in Australia The way we dress is a powerful form of self-expression. And for many people buying clothing and wearing different styles is fun and exciting. But for some people, getting dressed in the morning isn’t a simple,…
NDIS Carer Training | Australia

Training for carers and families

NDIS Carer Training & Development in Australia As a carer of a person who experiences disability, you may find your role overwhelming. The role, after all, can be an incredibly challenging and intensive one. Many family members acting as carers…
covid test

Participants have NDIS funding for Rapid Tests

In times like these access to healthcare is more important than ever – especially given the current COVID-19 outbreaks across Australia. For those who experience disability, the pandemic is causing stress, anxiety, and, not-to-mention, health risks. For Support Coordinators, there…
Support Coordinator Training | Australia

Professional development for Support Coordinators

Support Coordinator Training in Australia Support Coordinators are the lifeblood of disability support. And for people who experience disability, support coordinators play a critical role. As a Support Coordinator, you’re often the key support person in a participant’s life. We…