Category: NDIS

Community activities for NDIS participants

Community activities for NDIS participants

For those who experience disability, access to community activities can increase quality of life, and independence, and boost skill building. However, accessing such activities can be challenging––even impossible without dedicated providers. We’re highlighting some key providers who help participants access…
Provider Spotlight- Onside Support Coordination

Provider Spotlight: OnSide Support Coordination

Support Coordinators are the lifeblood of the NDIS––helping participants access the right supports for them while working towards their goals. To do their best work, Support Coordinators must have a supportive and helpful environment too. That’s something provider OnSide offers…
Are sensory toys and equipment funded by the NDIS

Are sensory toys and equipment funded by the NDIS?

For some who experience disability, sensory toys and other equipment can be very useful. These consumables can help to reduce stress and anxiety and increase concentration and calm. One common question we get from parents is: are these products covered…
NDIS News: The NDIS Commission Review Summary

NDIS News: The NDIS Commission Report Summary

At myAutonomy, one of our core goals is ensuring participants can thrive on their NDIS plans. As part of this, we continually share NDIS news to help participants and those in the industry stay informed. Recently, the NDIS Quality and…
Provider Spotlight: First Step Solutions

Provider Spotlight: First Step Solutions

A common issue among those who experience disability is a lack of education about consent, sexual health, and safety. First Step Solutions are helping to change that for participants. Via a dedicated program, they teach participants about boundaries, consent, self-awareness,…
Making the most of provider marketplaces

Making the most of provider marketplaces

Experiencing disability can mean needing support services to help boost quality of life and make independent living easier. But finding the right supports to help you thrive can be a tricky process. We’ve taken a closer look at three marketplaces,…
Best practice tips for applying to the NDIS

Best practice tips for applying to the NDIS

Applying to the NDIS can be a big decision in a person’s life. An NDIS plan can help minimise the impact of a disability while helping someone to work towards goals of independence, skill building, and accessibility to the community.…
Understanding Short-Term Accommodation

Understanding Short-Term Accommodation

One of our most commonly asked questions is about Short-Term Accommodation (STA) and what’s covered. Over the past few years, we’ve seen big changes in STA, so it’s always helpful to have a reminder about what is and isn’t funded.…
Provider Spotlight- Your Home Care

Provider Spotlight: Your Home Care

For many participants, support in the home for daily activities is essential. Some providers help participants with daily tasks to support their independent living and improve their quality of life. Your Home Care is one provider offering high-quality care to…